KoliCare F.A.Q

KoliCare is a 100% Natural and Organic Strain* food supplement for Babies, Infants and Children.
Here you will find some F.A.Q. and answers from the dedicated MyPro KoliCare team.
Colic is defined as repeated episodes of excessive, prolonged and inconsolable crying in a new-born baby who otherwise appears to be perfectly healthy. Colic can be particularly frustrating for parents, as their baby’s distress occurs for no apparent reason and no amount of consoling seems to bring any relief. These crying episodes frequently occur in the evening. As any parent with a distressed, crying baby knows, colic affects a whole household, and can be very upsetting for everyone involved.
Colic generally peaks when an infant is about 4 to 6 weeks old and declines significantly after 3 to 4 months of age.
The condition can affect up to one in five babies. Colic is one of the leading causes of paediatric healthcare visits for infants.
Common indications of Colic:
- – Transitory food / formula intolerance
- – Digestive Tract Immaturity
- – Gas Accumulation
- – Intestinal Inflammation
- – Diarrhoea / Constipation
These indications are all side effects of an immature digestive system. This is completely normal for an infant, however the symptoms of Colic can be eased and reduced with the use of MyPro KoliCare®.
It is not yet know what exactly causes some colic. It may be due to some babies finding it harder that other babies to digest milk. Sometimes it is an indication that they may have a sensitivity or food allergy to the baby’s formula or the nursing mom is eating, such as a cows’ milk allergy.
Some experts believe a contribution factor might be from a baby trying to get used to the new sounds and sight and sounds of being out in the world. Some colicky babies also have gas because they swallow so much air while crying.
Colic in newborn babies is one of the most common feeding-related problems. It effects both bottle and breast-fed babies. A baby with colic is normally under the age for 3 months and may show the following symptoms:
- – Intense crying bouts that may go on for several hours without any obvious cause.
- – Your baby is otherwise well and has no temperate or other obvious illnesses.
- – Body tension such as arching their back when crying, bringing their legs up to their tummy, clutching their little fists or a tense abdomen.
- – They turn a blotchy red colour while crying and pale around the mouth.
- – Your baby has a lot of wind.
- – Their little tummy’s made a grumbling noise.
- – It is hard to sooth or settle your baby.
- – Extreme fussiness even after crying has diminished.
If you think your baby is still showing signs of colic, even after the age of three months talk to your health care professional for advice.
Colic is general diagnosed by your baby’s doctor. They will do a physical exam, review your baby’s history, symptoms and possibly family history. Your doctor may also perform some tests to rule out other possible problems for your baby.
KoliCare® is a clinically proven probiotic formula that effectively prevents and treats the early childhood indications of Colic. It contributes to the maturation of baby’s
intestinal microbiota, increases gut bacteria diversity and is non-bloating, whilst promoting a healthy digestive system for baby.
- – 100% natural
- – 100% organic strains
- – Suitable for both formula and breastfed babies
- – 5 drops once a day
- – Easy to use
- – Lactose FREE
- – Gluten FREE
- – FREE from sugar, colourant and alcohol
- – Safe and easy to use.
KoliCare® is safe and easy to use. It is suitable for daily use for babies from birth. The recommended daily dose is 5 drops once a day with the first meal. The important thing to reminder is to SHAKE the bottle well before each use to ensure a complete blend of probiotic bacteria and oil. It is administered with a rubber dropper so it is as safe as possible when close to the baby.
It is recommended to administer the product directly to the baby’s mouth. Alternative options may also include:
- – Add 5 drops to clean finger and allow baby to suck.
- – Add 5 drops into baby formula. Prepare the babies formula as per manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring it does not exceed 37⁰C. Shake well and add 5 drops of KoliCare. Discard any unused formula.
- – Add 5 drops to Mothers nipple and allow baby to suck.
- – For Children, drops can be mixed with milk (Maximum temperature 37⁰C). Do not mix with boiling milk.
SAFE: The bacteria originates from human breastmilk and intestinal microbiota of healthy babies. QPS and Self Affirmed GRAS strains.
KoliCare® is safe and easy to use. It is suitable for daily use for babies from birth. The recommended daily dose is 5 drops* once a day with the first meal.
*Starting dose. Paediatricians may consider adjusting the dose depending on the therapeutic response and their experience.
Yes, KoliCare® is suitable for babies who are breastfed. Below are options for Mum’s who are breastfeeding their infants:
- – Add 5 drops directly to the baby’s mouth.
- – Add 5 drops to a clean finger and allow baby to suck.
- – Add 5 drops to Mothers nipple and allow baby to suck.
The successful colonization of bifidobacteria in the gut of breastfed babies is partly due to the beneficial nutrients of breastmilk, including human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs)7. HMOs are complex sugars found in great abundancy in breastmilk. HMOs are indigestible by the infant, but are easily and specifically metabolised by some bifidobacteria. In a symbiotic relationship, HMOs promote bifidobacterial growth, contributing to the enrichment of the babies’ microbiota8.
Yes, KoliCare® is suitable for babies who are formula fed. Below are options for Mum’s who are breastfeeding their infants:
- – Add 5 drops directly to the baby’s mouth.
- – Add 5 drops to a clean finger and allow baby to suck.
- – Add 5 drops into baby formula. Prepare the babies formula as per manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring it does not exceed 37⁰C. Shake formula well. To ensure the baby receives the full dose of KoliCare®, it is suggested to add the 5 drops of KoliCare® to a smaller amount of milk, which the baby is guaranteed to drink. Discard any unused formula
- – For Children, drops can be mixed with milk (Maximum temperature 37⁰C). Do not mix with boiling milk.
Yes, KoliCare® is suitable for use with antibiotics.
After birth, neonates have a gut microbiota in constant change, that is very permeable to external factors, including type of nutrition (1.1 The microbiota during the first 1000 days).
The strains contained in KoliCare®, especially Bifidobacterium longum KABPTM 042, can contribute to the development of the gut microbiota. This can be particularly beneficial to those babies in risk of incorrect gut microbiota colonisation due to formula-based feeding, antibiotic treatment, c-section delivery, or others.
The treatment with KoliCare® can start immediately after birth, since the product contains 100% natural ingredients and 100% organic strains it is completely safe. Moreover, neonates can greatly benefit from an early treatment with the probiotic, to promote a healthy gut microbiota colonisation. Its treatment has a dual effect, therefore, it is beneficial for children too.
KoliCare® is a product specifically developed for infants, and as such, it delivers several benefits that cover a wide range of their needs. The clinically proven benefits of KoliCare® can be synthesised in two:
- – Short-term, effective treatment for infant colic:
- – After just one week of treatment, the probiotic formula significantly reduces daily crying time and number of crying episodes, as one of the fastest treatments for colic available in the market today20.
- – After 21 days, 90% of babies taking KoliCare® achieve a reduction in crying time equal or higher than 50%20.
- – These outstanding results have been proven in a pilot study21,22 and two clinical trials20,23.
- – Long-term treatment to promote a healthy microbiota development:
After birth, neonates have a gut microbiota in constant change, that is very permeable to external factors, including type of nutrition (The microbiota during the first 1000 days). The strains contained in KoliCare®, specially Bifidobacterium longum, can contribute to the development of the gut microbiota, increasing populations of bifidobacteria and contributing to the colonization of other microbiota members22. These properties can be particularly beneficial to those babies in risk of incorrect gut microbiota colonisation due to formula-based feeding, antibiotic treatment, c-section delivery, or others.
The prevention of gut microbiota disruptions during the first 1000 days of life can help prevent other pathologies in the long term, including allergies, diabetes, obesity, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)8.
Most probiotics for infant colic only show efficacy in breastfed babies, due to their limited mechanism of action. However, most babies suffering from functional gastrointestinal disorders (including colic) are formula-fed; interestingly, the onset of gastrointestinal disturbances is associated with shorter breastfeeding duration25.
Distinctly, KoliCare®, shows similar beneficial effects in formula-fed and breastfed babies, as well as in babies born by vaginal delivery and c-section24. Moreover, the probiotic formula also improves symptoms of functional constipation24, benefiting a big and diverse infant population.
The treatment with KoliCare® can start immediately after birth, since the product contains only natural ingredients that are completely safe. Moreover, neonates can greatly benefit from an early treatment with the probiotic, to promote a healthy gut microbiota colonisation.
Yes, it is safe to clean and sterilise the dropper. Thanks to the dropper, the product can be measured properly and delivered directly to the baby’s mouth. The dropper is made from rubber so it is as safe as possible when close to the baby. To ensure a clean, germ-free administration, the dropper can be easily removed from the bottle to facilitate cleaning and sterilisation.
Store KoliCare® away from light in a cool dry place not above 25⁰C. Do not freeze KoliCare®. Once opened, consume with 1 month.
KoliCare® has many benefits; Anti-inflammatory and Non-gas-producing strains are just two.
- – Anti-inflammatory effect by causing the production of IL-10 (Interleukin 10).
- – Non-gas-producing strains thanks to their homofermentative metabolism.
The treatment with KoliCare® can start immediately after birth, since the product contains only natural ingredients that are completely safe. Moreover, neonates can greatly benefit from an early treatment with the probiotic, to promote a healthy gut microbiota colonisation.
Vaginally delivered infants come in contact with the maternal vaginal and faecal microbiota, whereas caesarean-section delivered babies do not. C-section has been linked to a deviating gut microbiota9.
Distinctly, KoliCare®, shows similar beneficial effects in babies born by vaginal delivery and c-section24.
Moreover, the probiotic formula also improves symptoms of functional constipation24, benefiting a big and diverse infant population.
The treatment with KoliCare® can start immediately after birth, since the product contains only natural ingredients that are completely safe. Moreover, neonates can greatly benefit from an early treatment with the probiotic, to promote a healthy gut microbiota colonisation.
Preterm infants endure tough conditions early in life, including extensive antibiotic treatments or artificial nutrition, which results in a disruption of gut microbiota development and composition9. KoliCare®
Immediately after birth, the gut of new-borns is colonized by microbes, conforming a simple ecosystem that changes gradually over time, reaching complexity and maturity later in life3,4
The main changes in gut microbiota composition take place during the first two years of life, shaped by the influence of several environmental and host factors5.
These include gestational age, mode of delivery, type of feeding and antibiotic usage, between others.
The treatment with KoliCare® can start immediately after birth, since the product contains only natural ingredients that are completely safe. Moreover, neonates can greatly benefit from an early treatment with the probiotic, to promote a healthy gut microbiota colonisation.
Bifidobacteria are the dominant bacterial group in the gut of healthy babies. It’s abundance progressively reduces with age, as gut microbiota diversity increases 2,3.
Bifidobacteria play key roles in the normal development of the gut microbiota, use of dietary compounds and maturation of the immune system6. Feeding pattern has major impact in gut microbiota during the first weeks of life. Formula-fed infants present lower levels of bifidobacteria, whereas breastfed infants develop a bifidobacteria-dominated microbiota, which has been linked to several health benefits2.
The successful colonization of bifidobacteria in the gut of breastfed babies is partly due to the beneficial nutrients of breastmilk, including human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs)7. HMOs are complex sugars found in great abundancy in breastmilk. HMOs are indigestible by the infant, but are easily and specifically metabolised by some bifidobacteria. In a symbiotic relationship, HMOs promote bifidobacterial growth, contributing to the enrichment of the babies’ microbiota8.
Importantly, disruptions in gut microbiota in infancy have been linked to higher risk of long-term development of immune and metabolic disorders, including allergies, diabetes, obesity, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)8. Therefore, a healthy microbiota development during the first 1000 days of life promotes long-term health benefits.
KoliCare® can be labelled as a 100% natural product, since it only contains two 100% organic probiotic strains in a suspension made of refined sunflower oil, with no artificial additives, preservatives, or colorants.
However, following the highest safety standards of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), KoliCare® has gone through several in vitro and in vivo testing, including:
- – Absence of antibiotic resistance genes confirmed by whole genome sequencing and phe-notypic testing following ISO109322. This guarantees no antibiotic resistance genes can be transferred from probiotics to opportunistic pathogens inhabiting the human gut.
- – No production of biogenic amines (histamine, tyramine, putrescine, cadaverine).
- – Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS) status of EFSA.
- – Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS) status, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
- – No adverse effects observed in an in vivo toxicological study and human clinical trials21–24.
KoliCare® oily suspension is contained in an 8ml vial with a rubber dropper, that facilitates its administration. Thanks to the rubber dropper, the product can be measured properly and delivered directly to the baby’s mouth. To ensure a clean, germ-free administration, the dropper can be easily removed from the bottle and sterilised separately.
Kolicare is 100% National and contains 100% Organic Stains*. The ingrdients include: Refined Sunflower Oil and AB-KoliCare Probiotic Strain* (Pediococcus pentosaceus CECT 8330 and Bifidobacterium longum CECT 7894).